Siegware had a very successful stand at the recent South Pacific Passivhaus Conference in Sydney in partnership with the Australian Passivhaus Association. Siegware showcased a variety of constructions products relevant to Passive House construction. They included:

  • Airtightness products from Isocell such as airtightness membranes, wind sheets, timber protection membranes, sealants, and primers.
  • Thermally broken barrier free threshold system from Alumat.
  • Connectors for timber, CLT, concrete and steel, and screws from Sherpa,
  • Paint and timber coatings from ADLER.
  • Triotherm+ system from Meesenburg for setting airtight window installations.

The conference was extremely interesting, and many delegates stopped at the Siegware stand to learn about our different construction products. If you would like to know more, please contact Andrew, Siegware’s construction specialist and Passive House Tradesperson.

More information about the products demonstrated can be found here: